The Aftermath of the Storm
What do you do after the storm? When the storm hits in life all we can do is hold on, doing whatever it takes to survive. But what about after the storm? In Florida we have hurricanes and while I was in Texas two came barreling through Orlando. I saw the news reports and saw all of the devastation.You look around and see this mess left behind. Sometimes life brings storms and you turn around and your life is not what you expected it to be. Where your dreams are shattered around you and it seems like all is lost. When you are not where you thought you would be.. when life happens and it isn't the way you believed it would be. When you prayed and fasted and believed the Word but it did not turn out the way you wanted it to be. When that love one dies, your spouse walks away, you lose your job, or you lose the house, or the car and you are wrecked! I wonder if this is how the disciples felt after Jesus was crucified. They had all of these lofty dreams and pictured an entirely diffe...