
Showing posts from September, 2015

Is it the end??

Earthquakes, rumors of wars, economic downfalls, the stock market crashing - these are just a few of the many things talked about in the news today.  I hear people talking about stocking weapons and food and I hear the fear. The fear in their voices and it is almost overwhelming.  And for me it has been disheartening.  So much of what the bible talks about regarding the end time events we are seeing. So what do we do?? I've been praying for some time and I keep hearing the same message from the Lord. Have the heart of a champion! Don't fear! I've been praying over this word for some time now.  I'm sure when David faced Goliath he was scared. I'm sure when Daniel was in the Lion's den there was some fear. I think sometimes fear is a natural response when situations come. But the Word says to FEAR NOT ! This is not the time for us to cover our faces and hide our heads in the sand.  We can't sit down and watch the Goliath's in our nation rule and rain an...