
Showing posts from September, 2014

Vertigo - NO MORE!

Last Thursday, I started feeling weird. A little unsteady on my feet. Larry had felt bad the day before so I figured he had a virus and it was trying to attach itself to me.  Friday morning I woke up and immediately, when I opened my eyes , I knew something was not right. When I opened my eyes the world moved, I blinked and it moved again. Now, me, being the stubborn person I am, got up and then the world really spun. I got up determined to  brush this off and get some coffee. You know, some mornings, all you need is coffee, and a little worship and the day is better. I walked towards the door and fell into the wall. I kept walking from wall to wall into the kitchen. I swayed like I was walking on a boat. I got into the kitchen and swayed over to the coffee cups. I am already speaking the Word.. by His stripes I am healed as I take down the coffee cup and sway to where the Keurig machine is. I put the cup down and missed the spot where it goes. I gave up on the coffee, realizing I will