Vertigo - NO MORE!

Last Thursday, I started feeling weird. A little unsteady on my feet. Larry had felt bad the day before so I figured he had a virus and it was trying to attach itself to me.  Friday morning I woke up and immediately, when I opened my eyes , I knew something was not right. When I opened my eyes the world moved, I blinked and it moved again. Now, me, being the stubborn person I am, got up and then the world really spun. I got up determined to  brush this off and get some coffee. You know, some mornings, all you need is coffee, and a little worship and the day is better. I walked towards the door and fell into the wall. I kept walking from wall to wall into the kitchen. I swayed like I was walking on a boat. I got into the kitchen and swayed over to the coffee cups. I am already speaking the Word.. by His stripes I am healed as I take down the coffee cup and sway to where the Keurig machine is. I put the cup down and missed the spot where it goes. I gave up on the coffee, realizing I will never leave the kitchen safely with it.\, and I walked into the living room and laid on the couch. The world is spinning. I start praying as I feel fear begin to creep up on me.
      Larry woke up and comes into the living room and I tell him something is wrong. I think we need to go to the ER. He comes over and starts praying for me. I love that I have a praying husband!  God bless my sweet husband. He really does not know what to do with me at this point. He is not used to his independent wife completely dependent upon him. He has to help me get up, walk, etc. We get to the ER and I literally have to close my eyes because with the moving car and the moving world I start feeling nauseous.  We get to the ER and they put me in a wheelchair I'm unsteady on my feet and cannot stand by myself at all. All the while, the devil is telling me I have a tumor, and every other lie he can try to put in my head. You will never be able to write again, you are going to have to go on disability you won't be able to work anymore etc etc.  They take me back and the doctor comes and tells me he wants to do a CT scan. I'm getting a headache by this time. They give me Tylenol, which I never think works, and it didn't work then either. So we get the cat scan and wait. The nurse walks in and says, "we are going to take you down for an MRI. The doctor walks in and he proceeds to tell me that there is a spot on the cat scan that he is concerned about and wants to look deeper. I looked at Larry and said, "call Lorena it's time to get people praying. You see, I know how the devil works. My mom, when she was about my age, had some bleeding in her brain and had what I thought was an aneurysm. Of course, only later did I find out she was hit in the head but I was never told that part. But the devil really started working on my fear, this was a set up from the beginning!  So Larry starts calling people getting the power of God working on my behalf. Don't be a lone ranger. Everyone goes through trials, you don't have to be tough or super Christian. The body of Christ is here for a reason. We all work together.  I called Lorena because if you want something done in my family - Lorena is your girl. She prays for me immediately for peace and healing and I lean on her strength as I am battling fear in this.
          I decide as they are taking me to the MRI that the only way I'm getting through this test is going to be to pray. They said the test would take about 45 minutes. I put the ear plugs in and start talking to the Lord. I prayed in the spirit and turned my eyes to Jesus. My headache just gets worse. Dumb devil. I get out of the MRI and they take me back to my room. The nurse comes in and says the MRI is negative and they are sending me home. I'm like wait, my head is killing me, the world is spinning and you aren't going to do anything? Seriously? The doctor comes in and says well we did not find any masses or bleeding, but you do have several blood vessels in your head that need to be looked at by a neurosurgeon. they are clustering in areas that if they start to grow will need to be clipped but the neurosurgeon will go over this with you. In the meantime, I will give you some prescriptions for the dizziness and the nausea but you should follow up with your primary. He turns to Larry and says, "she shouldn't be left alone, especially at night, she might fall and hurt herself, or drive in her condition." And leaves the room. I'm floored. The nurse comes in and talks about my discharge and I ask for something for this headache and she is like, Oh yeah let me give you this drug which name I do not recognize, and says it is great for headaches. I can put it in your IV. Okay if you have some great drug for headaches why would you give me wimpy Tylenol and let me go ALL DAY with this headache! It is almost 3 pm and I'm not any better. Then I ask if I can get some of the prescription before I leave considering I can't stand up by myself.  She goes and asks and brings me the prescription. Strangest experience ever. Within minutes my headache is gone - Praise JESUS.
        My sweet niece, Ashley, came to stay and take care of me since Larry had to work. Larry takes me to church on Sunday, I can't take any medicine or I will sleep the whole service. They prayed for me and my healing started kicking in. I was able to stand without help - even did some jumping which didn't go great but if I held on to Larry I could,  We went to mornng prayer at 6 am for me to get more prayer. I watched miracle services and asked for prayer and I continued to thank God for my healing. I can walk without running into things. I actually was able to cook yesterday and every day I'm better than the day before.  I'm vertigo free. I do not care what any doctor says, or what my body feels like. I'm determined for full deliverance from this attack of the enemy. Don't accept everything that comes your way in your physical body. By His stripes we are healed and made whole but sometimes you have to fight for it. They told me I could have this the rest of my life, it could just come and go. LIAR!
         My first book is coming out before Christmas, God is ministering to people through my blog and as I continue to share my testimony I know God is going to continue to deliver people and set them free. We overcome in this life by the blood of the lamb and the word of Your testimony. Do not sit on what God sets you free from. Tell people what God has done for you!  I have sat too long and the devil is doing everything he can to get me to back down. We have had more attacks since our arrival in Atlanta than ever before in my life. I must be doing something right.


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