By His Stripes!

As many of you know, about five years I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance. Unfortunately, what I wasn't told was that the longer I went without gluten the more my body was poisoned by it. I did go gluten-free but since it is hidden in so many different forms, and with cross contamination, it became a real battle for me in eating. I found myself almost fearful eating out anymore. I had to be so careful. A bite of wheat or gluten could send me to bed for two days. It was frustrating! And more and more I started praying for God to deliver me.

Back in November, we were at our home church in Atlanta. They were having camp meetings and I heard a fantastic sermon on healing. I've heard many sermons on healing but this was different. The speaker was Dr. Sandra Kennedy. I had never heard of her prior to this service. What I can tell you is that I received the Word that night that By His Stripes I was healed 2000 years ago! I believed the Word that she spoke. 

It took me a week to step out in faith in this issue. The only way for me to know if I had been healed was to eat something that could seriously make me ill. But I knew something changed inside of me that night. No one prayed for me- but I believed I received. We were ordering pizza and I decided then that now was the time for me to step out. Larry, my husband, asked me what I got on my pizza and I told him I'm eating your pizza. He asked me if I was sure and I said, "I either believe God healed me or I don't. And the only way for me to know is to do it" I will admit I was a little cautious eating my first slice of deliciously warm cheesy pizza. Normally, I can tell within a few bites because I will start feeling sick. I ate almost three slices and I've never had an incident since!

The teaching was so simple and so basic. I'm going to try and break it down for you. We have the spirit of God in us. The same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead! Now that is some power right there. Then we have a soul which is our mind, our will and our emotions. And both of these items live in this dust box referred to as our bodies. Our soul acts as a filter from the spirit to the body. So when our filter gets dirty from wrong teachings, or a wrong belief system then our body doesn't receive from our spirit all that we need. Make sense?? 

Let me give you an example.  I was raised Baptist. Now I'm not speaking against them. I have many Baptist friends and they are sweet people. However, I was also taught that speaking in tongues was not of God. SO.. when I did get baptized in the Holy Spirit I struggled with speaking in tongues. I could not get my brain wrapped around it. I could not figure it out and I could not receive it. Faith is a substance we cannot see or figure out. It is a trust factor, but because my filter was so messed up I just did not get it. Now however, I love to pray in the Spirit! But it took awhile for my body to receive what the spirit had for me because my filter was so dirty. 
We, as Christians, have to base what we believe in the Word of God. 

I also want to say that if you go to a service determined to receive from God - He will meet you where you are. 

Please feel free to check out Sandra Kennedy's ministry at /


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