
Showing posts from January, 2016

By His Stripes!

As many of you know, about five years I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance. Unfortunately, what I wasn't told was that the longer I went without gluten the more my body was poisoned by it. I did go gluten-free but since it is hidden in so many different forms, and with cross contamination, it became a real battle for me in eating. I found myself almost fearful eating out anymore. I had to be so careful. A bite of wheat or gluten could send me to bed for two days. It was frustrating! And more and more I started praying for God to deliver me. Back in November, we were at our home church in Atlanta. They were having camp meetings and I heard a fantastic sermon on healing. I've heard many sermons on healing but this was different. The speaker was Dr. Sandra Kennedy. I had never heard of her prior to this service. What I can tell you is that I received the Word that night that By His Stripes I was healed 2000 years ago! I believed the Word that she spoke.  It took me a we