
Showing posts from April, 2017

Remember No More

I have been contemplating on a revelation I received several years ago about the Blood of Jesus. I want to show you a different facet of the Blood that you may not have considered or thought about before. We have all heard that the Blood of Jesus will cleanse us from all unrighteousness and  that it can bring physical healing to our bodies. I want you to consider something else. All of us have things that we have had to overcome in this life, be it abuse, a death of a loved one, a painful divorce etc.  One of the tricks of the enemy is to bring back those painful memories. And for some, if you have not allowed God to heal those areas of your life they can become triggers for you.  God is always in the healing business. His promises to us are YES and AMEN. Anytime you have a wound in your soul it is imperative that you go to God to allow Him to heal this area.  These wounds are what keep people in cycles or patterns of behavior that they repeat over and over again. The devil loves to tr