
Showing posts from 2013

Today I'm grateful for forgiveness

I read a friend of mine's Facebook status of the day today and thought, "that is a good one. I think I will use that too." It was on forgiveness. And as I was trying to relax and soak in the tub I started talking to the Lord about forgiveness and alas out came this blog. I had to rush out of the tub to write because it was coming out and I was concerned I would forget it or miss something good that God was giving me.  Funny right? I started thinking about the time I truly felt forgiveness.  Now anytime I ask God to forgive me of something stupid I've done I know He has because I've asked.  Several years ago, in fact, I was 24 at the time. I had recently given birth to a boy and given him up for adoption. I was pretty much raised in church and knew that having sex outside of marriage was sin but even more so to have had a child out of wedlock was bad.  I had already repented before the Lord and God really saw me through the adoption more than I had ever dreamed p

In my dreams

Last night I had a dream. I dreamed that I was having an affair on my husband. I'm not having an affair - I didn't recognize the person in the dream but I also didn't wake up blowing it off and saying that could never happen. It could - it does happen all the time. See I know who my enemy is.  And not only that - I know who my old man was.  I cursed that dream and applied the blood of Jesus over my marriage. The devil hates marriages. Especially Godly ones. They cause fear in him because he knows the power a couple has that come together in prayer. There is such a strong delusion over America about marriage. It is so much more than a piece of paper. It is a holy covenant before God. It is the strongest union on earth. The bible says a three fold cord cannot be broken- and that one sends a thousand demons to flight but two can send tens of thousands demons to flight. (Deut. 30: 30) We must recognize that the devil is out to destroy your marriage. I know two women - both we

Life Happens - who are you going to blame?

I've learned in my 43 years that life happens, people we love die, people we love hurt us, betray us, etc. I used to believe that God was punishing me for every bad thing that happened. If I did something I knew was wrong I was looking around the corner for something bad to happen because I had to reap what I had sown.  I don't believe that anymore. Yes, there are consequences for your actions that is a spiritual or natural law but it's not God looking to zap me or you.  God never promised that because I became a Christian that life was going to be all dancing through the tulips. In fact,  He said when troubles come count it as all joy (I'm not quite there yet)  And you know what? It rains on the just and the unjust. We were recently robbed - horrible feeling actually. But honestly I was more mad than anything else - not really even at the people who robbed us - okay a little. But I was angry at the devil - behind every sin there is a presence of darkness. Those guys

Coming Full Circle - in Atlanta!

This is a very informative blog. I'm not looking to hide anything and if you aren't ready to know all there is to know about me - STOP READING NOW!!  To tell this story I can't leave out the damaging parts or the areas in my life I didn't want to face or overcome. After all this blog is all about overcoming LIFE and to overcome anything in your life you have to be willing to face your life head on. You never overcome the monsters in your head or the giants in  your life without owning up to what has happened, what will happen and everything else in between. I will be the first to tell you that I absolutely NEVER wanted to move back to Atlanta. Atlanta had become a dark spot in my life.. had my first break down in Atlanta when I was 17 and sent or better suggested that I go live with my sister  +Renee Cesarano  and her then husband at the time. This is also where I came with my friend who I will leave unnamed since I have not discussed this blog with her.. to Atlanta.