Life Happens - who are you going to blame?

I've learned in my 43 years that life happens, people we love die, people we love hurt us, betray us, etc. I used to believe that God was punishing me for every bad thing that happened. If I did something I knew was wrong I was looking around the corner for something bad to happen because I had to reap what I had sown.  I don't believe that anymore. Yes, there are consequences for your actions that is a spiritual or natural law but it's not God looking to zap me or you.  God never promised that because I became a Christian that life was going to be all dancing through the tulips. In fact,  He said when troubles come count it as all joy (I'm not quite there yet)  And you know what? It rains on the just and the unjust.

We were recently robbed - horrible feeling actually. But honestly I was more mad than anything else - not really even at the people who robbed us - okay a little. But I was angry at the devil - behind every sin there is a presence of darkness. Those guys are just pawns of the enemy. They will reap it like I reap what I do wrong. Everybody will stand before God - nobody gets away with anything.  The amazing thing that happened was that I didn't get angry at God. For the first time in my life I didn't get mad at God. Now I will tell you my life has had some painful moments. I was sexually abused as a child. I have been date raped. I have been trespassed against severely. And I spent plenty of time -years in fact,  blaming God for what happened. "Why did you allow this to happen? "Why did it  happen?" What did I do to deserve this and on and on and on.  And many times I found myself mad at God for what took place. The other wrong person I blamed was myself. - Why did he only abuse me? What is wrong with me?  If I hadn't been drinking I wouldn't have been raped.. etc etc. that person CHOSE to hurt you - that's not your fault. No one has the right to take advantage of you PERIOD.  You are not to blame, and neither is God.

This is the first time in my life I have had the correct perspective on what took place! And I didn't even realize it until today. And that my friends is growth! It has taken me a long time to get here. God didn't cause it, wasn't punishing me, life just happens. It was in fact, the enemy of my soul waging war against me - as he will do until Christ comes. We have to change our mindsets. Don't listen to the lies of the enemy when bad things happen. God isn't mad at you. And it is NOT your fault! God isn't out to get you in fact quite the opposite. He is a good God who loves you.

There will be times when life will hurt - let me encourage you to run to the only person who can truly heal you and make you whole. That is Jesus. And I'm not necessarily referring to going to church - don't  misunderstand me - God heals in churches too - but you don't have to wait until church for God to heal you. He is always wanting to heal our hearts when we have been injured - just like as a parent you would have to fight me not to run to my children if they were hurt or injured. He SO longs to heal us but you have to make the decision to go to Him. Go to that secret place where His Presence is - He is waiting and He always has time for you. He loves us more than we can even comprehend.


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