In my dreams

Last night I had a dream. I dreamed that I was having an affair on my husband. I'm not having an affair - I didn't recognize the person in the dream but I also didn't wake up blowing it off and saying that could never happen. It could - it does happen all the time. See I know who my enemy is.  And not only that - I know who my old man was.  I cursed that dream and applied the blood of Jesus over my marriage. The devil hates marriages. Especially Godly ones. They cause fear in him because he knows the power a couple has that come together in prayer. There is such a strong delusion over America about marriage. It is so much more than a piece of paper. It is a holy covenant before God. It is the strongest union on earth. The bible says a three fold cord cannot be broken- and that one sends a thousand demons to flight but two can send tens of thousands demons to flight. (Deut. 30: 30) We must recognize that the devil is out to destroy your marriage.

I know two women - both were formerly married. Both are Christians, both of them got divorced - one of them her husband mistreated her, the second her husband cheated on her. Now both of them are living with men outside the covenant of marriage. One of them recently told me that she may never marry again and that she is closer to God than before. My heart was broken. She is blinded by the lies of the enemy. Now before I go any further let me say that this blog is not and never will be about condemnation. I have done almost everything and in fact have had sex outside of marriage so I'm not pointing fingers. My heart's desire is to shed light where there is darkness. In hopes that hearts will be mended towards God and people can be made whole. I know the lies that I believed that took me down paths of sin. And now I want to expose them. The devil is out to steal, kill and destroy you. When you get hurt by your spouse you must run to the Healer. When you stay hurt, angry and wounded you open yourself up to the lies of the enemy. Don't let the devil steal your testimony. Turn on some worship music, and spend some time with your heavenly Father.

The devil can only access you through your thoughts. That is why it is vital to take captive every thought. It starts out with, " he doesn't care about me or if he did he wouldn't do ____". " I just feel like we have nothing in common anymore." "I'm better off without him." Dangerous thoughts - don't go there! Only the devil is going to put thoughts in your mind that speak ill or negative of your spouse.  Now if your husband is beating you, verbally and mentally abusing you - it's time to walk away.  I'm not advocating divorce. But wounded people hurt people. And if you are so wounded that you are finding yourself in a cycle walk away. Get into some Godly counseling, get healed and see what The Lord says. If your spouse is wiling to get help - God has the opportunity to restore your marriage and use this as a ministry to help others. When you find yourself thinking negative thoughts about your husband it is time to turn the tide and start praising God for your husband. Start thanking God for the Godly man that he is. There is power in the words you pray over your husband! Romans 4:17 says to call those things that are not as though they were!

It's important that we stay committed to our covenants we make in marriage. Marriage didn't make your husband cheat on you - it was his sin. We are not accountable for what others do to us but we are accountable to how we respond to them. You are not going to stay before God on your spouse's sins but on yours. Pray for your husband daily! Pray for his protection against sexual sins. A great book to assist you if you do not know how to pray or what to pray for your husband is the book. The power of a praying wife by Stormie Omartian. Go to - They have great deals on books.

Our spouses are never going to be perfect. The cute little things they did -will become one of the greatest tools to annoy you if you let it.  Make a decision today to pray for your marriage, your husband and the marriages of your pastors, friends etc.  Be an example of what a Godly marriage can look like and be!

And if you have found yourself in that place - know that God loves you, but His plan for you is better than YOUR plan for you. He will always make a way of escape for you. It may not be as comfortable as your situation now - but the blessings of God will overtake your situation if you allow God to move.


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