
Showing posts from 2016

Quick catch up!

Hey everyone! I know I made some of you angry with my last post. That is never my intent, however, I am compelled to tell you the truth. God has a purpose and a plan for each and every one of you. Fornication or sex outside of marriage only robs you of God's best! It does not make Him love you less, but it robs you of His blessings. It also keeps you from fulfilling the purpose. The very reason you are here on this earth. And it is SIN - Sin keeps you from God's presence. Some of you need to go to a Holy Ghost service and experience His presence!  Everything God put in his Word is for our benefit.  Let me ask you... what priority do you put on reading or listening to the Word? What priority do you put on prayer??  These two things are what will sustain you in this life.  Are you an active member in the body? Do you serve somewhere? Whoever decided that is okay for you to not attend church lied to you!  Church is where you are continually fed, but it was never supposed to b

And the Truth will set you free!! Part 1

I'm seeing a trend that is bothering me. It is in the aspect of Truth.  When did the truth become hate? When did it become no longer important?  Why are kids getting persecuted for talking about Jesus? Why is praying in schools now an issue? Why is there so much fornication in the body of Christ? Why is prayer an afterthought when we are in trouble when it is suppose to be a lifestyle? Today I'm going to address some issues and bring to light some items that have been covered in darkness. I realize this post may not make everyone happy, but Jesus did not make everyone happy so I think I'm okay.   Here are a few scriptures to lay a foundation, and I may mention a few more along the way. Ephesians 1:13-14 In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory. Psalm 86:11 Teach me y

By His Stripes!

As many of you know, about five years I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance. Unfortunately, what I wasn't told was that the longer I went without gluten the more my body was poisoned by it. I did go gluten-free but since it is hidden in so many different forms, and with cross contamination, it became a real battle for me in eating. I found myself almost fearful eating out anymore. I had to be so careful. A bite of wheat or gluten could send me to bed for two days. It was frustrating! And more and more I started praying for God to deliver me. Back in November, we were at our home church in Atlanta. They were having camp meetings and I heard a fantastic sermon on healing. I've heard many sermons on healing but this was different. The speaker was Dr. Sandra Kennedy. I had never heard of her prior to this service. What I can tell you is that I received the Word that night that By His Stripes I was healed 2000 years ago! I believed the Word that she spoke.  It took me a we