Overcoming fear - AGAIN

For most of my life I have lived with fear. My mom struggled with fear and I'm sure all of the abuse I had as a child didn't help me any. But I was afraid of the dark, afraid of being kidnapped, afraid of snakes, etc etc When I was in elementary school I was so scared especially at a new school to get up and go the bathroom that I would hold it for an extreme period of times and sometimes not make it to the bathroom. I thought it was just normal that everyone had fear of some sort. And then in my early 20's I heard a teaching on the spirit of fear and my eyes were opened! I didn't have to live my live in fear. I went up for prayer and they got rid of that tormenting spirit. And you know what?? It is a TORMENTING devil!  And for the first time in my life I experienced a level of freedom. I learned I didn't have to live with being afraid. Not that I wasn't tempted to be afraid but it is okay to feel fear and not let it control you. It's natural if someone jumps out at you for your body to respond in fear. I'm not talking about normal stuff where you experience a sense of fear and move on.

I'm not sure when the fear came back. Sin literally starts with one act of disobedience to give the devil access to you. Jesus came to set us free! To give us life and life more abundant! He doesn't want you bound to anything. The Word says: For God has not given us a SPIRIT of fear, but of power, of love and a sound mind. Fear is a spirit! Again I'm not saying that when something scary happens and  your body reacts normally you have a devil. Please hear me! However, when you are tormented by fear there is an oppression going on that you need to take action against it. God says do not fear in several places in the bible. Do not fear is a command! He wasn't asking us to not be afraid - He was telling us.

For me I went to my next small group and told them I am struggling with fear. They prayed and someone took authority over that devil and HALLELUJAH freedom was had once again.  That very night I slept with all of the lights out. I am still sleeping soundly with the lights off.  This is an area in our Christian walks where we need to have our eyes open. There is a devil roaming around seeking whom he can devour. There are so many scriptures that talk about fear. I'm currently working on my own list which I will gladly share once I'm completed if anyone would like a copy. In the movie Facing The Giants he says there are 365 scriptures that reference fear. It must be important for it to be brought to our attention over and over again. For faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word of God. If you are struggling with fear today - no matter what it is - fear of not paying your bills, fear of dying, fear of getting cancer etc etc etc. Seek God for your deliverance or find someone that can pray for you to be delivered. Call me and I will pray. I even have prayers you can pray out loud yourself. Your head isn't going to spin, seriously doubt you will throw up or climb walls as so terribly referenced in movies. But you will find peace. 

Much love my friends!


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