He who is without sin - throw a stone at her first

Larry and I have been listening and reading the gospels over and over this year. I'm a very black and white person and I do not see many shades of gray, but I'm developing new eyes, eyes of compassion. I read things and I'm compelled to pray. My prayer this past year is that I want to see people as Jesus does. I'm a follower of End Time Headlines. I like to read about what is going on in the world. It grieves me most of the time, but what really grieves my heart is the way other believers turn on one another.

In 2 Thessalonians 2:3 it says, " Let no one deceive you by any means; for that day (of Christ's return) will not come unless the falling away comes first..." Before Christ comes back the Bible talks about the great falling away in the body of Christ. And we are seeing that all over the world as denominations accept sin, and people turn from a holy lifestyle.  But even more troublesome is the way we behave when someone, or a church, or a denomination, starts to fall away. Do you not remember your last sin? I do and it compels me to pray when I read that Hillsongs rendition of silent night is a nightclub scene with flappers. It may be a great production but where is Jesus? What shocks me more is those that condemn them - where is the heart of Jesus? Did you not ever commit a sin as a believer? What do you think brought you back to Him? Was it not his love that draws us? 

There is a great deception in the body of Christ. Do you remember when you were deceived last? Did you know it at the time? Of course not, that is how deception works! The body is deceived and people are drinking the kool-aid in massive amounts. Do you know what stops deception? TRUTH! Pray their scales are removed and that truth will come. Pray for them as someone prayed you out of yours. It is way past time to stop talking and start praying! I am reminded of Saul who was so blinded to the truth he was actually killing Christians thinking he was doing God's work. The believers were praying for Saul.  And God got Saul's attention and blinded him for 3 days. When God sent Ananias to him and he prayed for Saul in Acts 9:18 it says that something like scales fell from Saul's eyes. We need to pray for the scales to be removed! 

John 8:3 paraphrased - " Then the religious people brought to him a woman caught in adultery. Where was the man? Why did they only bring the woman? Anyway - the religious people told Jesus how Moses commanded them that she should be stoned. Here is the best part. Jesus stopped down and starts writing on the ground and they press him on and on pushing for a response. Side note - The Holy Spirit leads - He is gentle but the devil pushes.  Verse 7 " When they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, 'He who is without sin among you, let them throw a stone at her first. One by one they all left.  Jesus asked the woman where her accusers were and He asked has no one condemned you? She told him no one. He then replies, "Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more."

This is a vital time in history. Prayer is what will change our lives, our families lives, our circumstances, and the world around us. Trust me, some of the things I read make me angry, but it is the devil that deceives our brothers and sisters around us. Don't be so quick to turn on them with your words. I'm not saying that what they are doing is right! Please hear my heart, sin is sin! But see them beyond their sin.  See them as Jesus does! We need to stop fighting one another and fight for each other in prayer! God's heart breaks when His kids die and go to hell. Let's rescue them together in prayer!

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