Special Announcement about my book

I'm really excited about my book.  It has been on my heart for so long and I'm looking forward to its introduction to society. However, I could not shake the fact that the book wasn't complete and maybe I was not ready. I spoke to another Christian writer and, as she spoke, I felt like I was about to make the same mistake she made with her first book. It is easy to get rushed, the excitement of the new book, the rush of Christmas, and all of the fun involved with bringing out a new book.

I struggled back and forth on the book and then I had the dream. I love when God speaks to me in dreams. It confirms my inner struggles and sometimes provides direction when I am unsure about things.

In the dream, I was talking to my brother, Wade. And Wade was talking to me, after having read the book. Basically he told me the book was not encouraging and I needed to add more!  And really for me, it was confirmation that the book isn't complete.  I have struggled with what to put in the book.  What parts do I include? What parts are necessary? Do I need to say that to express my point??

So many of you know some or even a portion of my testimony.  But there are pieces that I wonder if they ever need to be told.  I will say, that being sexual abused changes you. I look back at some of my younger years and think, "I was crazy! Seriously, I did some of the dumbest things..!"  I also wasn't prepared for some of the memories and finding areas in which I still had pain. Areas I have already begun to pray about.

And then there are the people involved in my mistakes and in my life. How do I protect them and keep the genuineness of the story?

So two Sundays ago, I sat in church and I said, "Lord do you want me to pull the book? If you want me to pull the book, I will." Within seconds I felt the undeniable peace of the Lord.

With all of that said, I pulled the book until I know it is ready. Since that Sunday I already have 2 chapters I need to add to it. I'm glad I am waiting. I want my first book to be impacting. But not only that, with the number of women who are sexually abused each day, (1 in every 5 girls will be sexually abused before they are 12).  I want it to be a book that brings healing to others. If one person reads it, and God brings healing to their soul, then I am satisfied. I can't tell you when the book is coming. But I believe I will  know when it is really complete. And you know, I wanted to blog more and I've been consumed about the book and its release. I miss talking to you all!

Let's keep talking! And I will keep you posted.. apparently I have LOTS more to say!


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